Retirement Planning and Advice California | Chris Cooper | Chris Cooper


Retirement Planning and Advice

Planning for retirement can be stressful. Retirees often face challenges as well as changes that impact their finances such as medical conditions, long-term care needs, death of a spouse, and many others. Many think that they can plan their retirement by themselves; however, the truth is that they can’t because of the lack of experience or knowledge and inability to see the bigger picture of their finances. The best course of action is to turn to someone who can advise and help you effectively plan your retirement.

Chris Cooper is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER and a California licensed fiduciary who helps retirees secure their financial future and meet the retirement goals. The major focus of his retirement planning advice is to help you save smartly for retirement and live off on those savings independently. He is also a member of the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors, and an associate member of the California Society of CPA’s, the Los Angeles County Bar Association, and the San Diego County Bar Association.

As a retirement planner and advisor, Chris:

●Gives retirement planning advice in your best interest

●Estimates your desired retirement spending and guides you on how much you should save before retirement

●Develops strategies to mitigate the risk of financial loss and abuse

●Closely monitors your investments, weighs risks, and informs you about any conflicts of interests

●Helps you make better investment decisions

●Helps meet your retirement goals

To learn more about how hiring a professional Fiduciary and Certified Financial Planner can help plan your retirement and secure your financial future so that you can live comfortably and independently, contact us today.