The Military Spousal Relief Act: Support for Families on the Homefront


Military service often requires immense sacrifices from both service members and their families. Deployments, relocations, and the challenges of maintaining a stable family life can place significant burdens on military spouses. Recognizing the need for support, the United States government enacted the Military Spousal Relief Act (MSRA). In this blog post, we will explore the purpose, benefits, and key provisions of the MSRA, shedding light on how it aims to alleviate the unique challenges faced by military spouses.

Understanding the Military Spousal Relief Act:

The Military Spousal Relief Act, also known as the MSRA, was signed into law to provide legal protections and benefits to spouses of military service members. Its primary goal is to offer support to military families during times of deployment or when facing other challenging circumstances. By addressing financial, legal, and administrative concerns, the MSRA aims to minimize the stress experienced by military spouses.

Deployment and Relief Benefits:

One of the critical aspects of the MSRA is the relief benefits offered to military spouses when their service member partners are deployed. These benefits include:

a. Protections against eviction: The MSRA prohibits eviction of military spouses from rental properties based solely on failure to pay rent if the inability to pay is due to the service member's deployment.

b. Termination of residential leases: Under the MSRA, military spouses may terminate residential leases without penalty in certain situations, such as when the service member receives military orders for a permanent change of station (PCS) or deployment for a specified period.

Legal Protections:

To ensure that military spouses do not face undue hardship during their partner's military service, the MSRA provides important legal protections, including:

a. Stay of judicial proceedings: The act allows military spouses to request a stay, or temporary suspension, of legal proceedings, such as divorce, child custody, or landlord-tenant disputes, when the service member's military duties significantly affect their ability to participate.

b. Power of attorney: The MSRA allows military service members to grant limited power of attorney to their spouses, enabling them to manage various legal and financial matters on behalf of the service member during deployments or other absences.

Financial Assistance:

The MSRA also recognizes the financial strains faced by military spouses and provides assistance through various means, including:

a. Protection from default judgments: The act prevents default judgments from being entered against military spouses in certain civil proceedings during the service member's deployment.

b. Tax relief: Eligible military spouses may qualify for certain tax relief provisions, such as an extension of the deadline to file and pay taxes if the service member is in a combat zone or qualifies for a combat zone extension.

Additional Support Services:

In addition to the aforementioned benefits, the MSRA promotes access to support services for military spouses, including counseling, education, and employment assistance. These resources aim to enhance the well-being of military spouses and help them navigate the challenges they may face during their partner's military service.


The Military Spousal Relief Act plays a vital role in recognizing the sacrifices and challenges faced by military spouses. By offering legal protections, financial assistance, and support services, the MSRA seeks to alleviate some of the burdens associated with military life. It ensures that military families can maintain stability and peace of mind during deployments, relocations, and other demanding circumstances. Through this legislation, the government acknowledges and honors the valuable contributions made by military spouses in supporting the nation's defense efforts.